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How To Change (Anything)

Change is an inevitable part of life, whether it's something we seek or something that happens around us. This blog post provides a thoughtful guide on how to embrace and implement change effectively. It highlights the importance of willingness, breaking down the process, learning from failure, seeking help, celebrating wins, practicing resilience, and taking aligned action. With a blend of practical advice and motivational insights, this post encourages readers to believe in the possibility of change and take actionable steps towards it.

We all want things to change. Whatever it is, large, medium, or small, there’s something that could be better or was better before. Sometimes change is inevitable and not at all our choice. Sometimes change is completely off the radar. Sometimes change happens just because everything around us changes. Whatever it is you want to change, it’s possible, and while I personally abhor step-by-step instructions on how to live one’s life, here’s an incomplete list on how to change.

Be willing. It is not enough to want change. You must also be willing to do and be whatever it takes to make change happen.

Break it down. Think of the change you’d like to make as a recipe. There are likely certain ingredients that you need in order to fulfill on your vision. It’s not enough to just gather the ingredients. You must also then figure out how to mix and combine them, and how long, and in what manner you cook them in order to create the desired result. Breaking the change down into distinct and separate parts helps prevent overwhelm, and lets you reassess as you go.

Fail better. Every failure is a gift. Each time you learn what worked, what didn’t, and what you can do better. It’s really easy to think of failure as the end of the road, but through a different lens, it’s just the universe asking - “Are you willing?”.

Ask for help. While some changes might be just for you, by you, they don’t have to be done alone. Sometimes we need a professional to help us change. Sometimes we need a friend or partner or neighbor to have our backs. Sometimes we need true accountability. Sometimes we need someone to complain to when it gets hard. Help comes in many different forms. Ask for it, and receive it.

Celebrate wins. Change is a process. Just like your willingness will be tested with failure, your willingness to keep going will be challenged by your wins. When we celebrate our wins, we allow ourselves to feel progress, to acknowledge growth, and to feel the joy in endeavors. You can celebrate and not be done (see: birthdays), so don’t skimp out.

Practice resilience. We change things because we believe things can be better. That means that things aren’t as good as we want them, yet. Resilience asks us to keep going regardless of our circumstances. If things are difficult, keep going. If you feel tired, rest, and then get started again. If someone says no, then go find the person who says yes.

Take aligned action. Almost forgot the most important thing - you have to DO something in order for things to change! Maybe you do less. Maybe you do more. Whatever it is you do, make sure it aligns with the change you want to make and helps move *something* from the “break it down” section along.

Change is possible. If you can think it, it can happen. You might not be ready, but you can do it anyway. I’m rooting for you.

With love,


Self-Evaluation Workbook

This workbook is intended to discover some of your pain points, and start getting clear on the steps you need to take to get you out of this space. I promise you, you don't have to stay stuck and dissatisfied.
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